"I found Radical through a friend that was employed by them he told me about the workshops and how he had secured a job on the Radical team. He then asked me if I would like to attend virtually via zoom. I was in.
At that particular moment in time, I was (and still am) doing e-commerce but like with any new venture cash flow isn’t always positive. I found it hard applying for jobs as my cv wasn’t up to scratch.
Fast forward a week or two I was finally in the workshop I spoke to members of the team like Alisha about my experience and history and we managed to draw up quite an impressive CV.
I hadn’t realised my interview skills weren’t all that until we did a mock interview, and I was somewhat nervous. Emma encouraged me to come to future workshops and iron out my skillset so my nerves wouldn’t get the better of me. I attended a few more workshops where Emma and a few very generous volunteers helped me gain confidence when in an interview scenario.
Since these workshops, I have managed to obtain a role as a Social Media Marketing Manager with a Radical employer - Juici Jerk – a startup who are on the road to doing very big things.
I would most definitely and wholeheartedly recommend their service to anyone who may need help brushing up their skills and finding quality opportunities for work. I have also managed to amass quite a broad set of contacts through the workshops which is a bonus.
Thank you everyone on the Radical team and all the volunteers who sacrifice time out of their day to help Radicals like me, who are seeking decent employment opportunities."